Monday, November 23, 2009


We enter today without much of a game plan. We have a loose idea of who goes where and how that will occur, but one the biggest bugs come fumbling down the stairs in all their sleepiness and chaos we won't know for sure. For someone who enjoys an action plan and a schedule this prospect is a little unsettling.

We have 3 sickies at home right now. Two are gloppy and in the midpoint. The other is a couple days in. She tends to be the worst sick of the bunch so it's not going well. Last night we were up about 3-4 times with fever, coughing, throwing up mucus, and a jammy change. We have often said that when Alexa gets sick, the whole house needs to be up. 4 out of 6 ain't bad. When she was three she would not go back to sleep. She would cry and cry and cry. She'd have to go potty. She was scared of a bug. We thought she was exaggerating. After about 2 hours we here this little voice crying out "I need a little love. I need a little love...." (Turns out that girlfriend had an ear infection. Oops). This is what we are faced with when Alexa gets sick.

Last night, Emily was keeping vigil for Alexa. She would rub her back and hug her. She would try and give her snugly toys. She cried and she prayed for her. We had a little chat at 3:30AM. Emmy was worried for Alexa. They always are for each other, but this time it was different. They were afraid that if they got sick then they would end up looking like Ava in the hospital. We touched on this topic before just in case their little minds spun out of control while I was unavailable. We talked about being big and strong and able to fight germs. We talked about how the tubes in Ava are helping her stay on earth with us. So even though they are icky, they are helping our baby. Necessary conversations that I don't mind having but really don't want to have to. Of course the poor kids have a social worker for a Mommy so, 'How do YOU feel???'

I was thinking that I was going to have to call the pediatrician and take some permutation of ladybugs in today. Questionable ear pain, various eyes tinted pink. However, it seems that some of the residual stuff is clearing for Elaina. Let's hope it's the same for the other 2.

So I have no idea which parent is headed to the PICU and which is headed to the pediatrician before the various childcare providers arrive. AHHHHH! I sure wish I could be split. Allan and I are going to have to play rock paper scissors to see which duty is the short end of the stick.

Hopefully when the bigger set emerge I can save a copay and hit the road.

As I type this Laina is feeding me homemade clay cookies before I've had my coffee. YUM. She's also been told that clay stays in the kitchen. So she's dancing around singing, "I in the kit..chen, I in the kit...chen."

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amy and family,
    I was devastated to find out this week about Ava. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I will always remember sweet Eric, and I can't imagine what this is like for your family to be going through again. If there is anything I can do, I am here.
    Love, Allison Buonocore (Kolody)
