Friday, April 30, 2010


Yesterday I had two big conversations with two special bugs. It amazes me how God can allow each of us to help the other when the moment is just right. If we all were having a hard time I think that we would all be flopping and floundering all over the place.

We had an innocuous day yesterday. Play in the morning, play at a friends house, dinner and more playing. Daddy didn't get home until almost bath time so there was excitement when he graced the threshold as I was frantically whipping up a batch of cookies for snack at the girls' school. (I decided forget about the healthy. I wanted to make cookies with the bugs).

At one point Emily got really pensive. While the other two bugs were flitting about outside in a pile of mulch, we stole some time together. I was pretty happy that this lady bug is afraid of "buzzy bees" (you know the big fat ones that don't sting) in that moment. We talked about all her thoughts and pictures in her mind about Ava. I found out that she is bothered by the memory of the first time she visited her in the hospital. She didn't look like her baby sister anymore. i was so incredibly grateful that that was also the day that Ava opened her eyes six times; right after each of her sisters kissed her twice. (Little stinker didn't really care that Allan and I kissed her! ) :-). The memory is tough but there is good in it. Emmy smiled remembering how much her baby loved her.

Quickly our conversation turned to a little girl, Susana, that we have been praying for. She is the three year old daughter of a mutual friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer. The girls became aware of her when they saw me making prayer bracelets for her that I sent the family and hope to sell for a fund raiser for that family. Her Mommy and Daddy are missionaries in Haiti. She has a five year old sister that the bugs identify with.

Ever since they heard that Susana's Mommy and Daddy work with orphans and then learned what that means Emmy and Lexa have been trying to figure out ways to help the parentless children in Haiti have food, toys and love. Part of this is their big huge compassionate hearts. But another is that the really now know first hand what it is like to be supported by others. They know what Gods Love feels like when those around you hold you up that they want to reciprocate. This is one of the many surprise blessings that we have received because of Ava and the work that God did through her.

So while these conversations are tough, look what we can learn.

Last night Elaina asked me her usual question: "Mommy, why Ava's in Heaven?" I haven't tucked her in for awhile, so I haven't heard it.

"Why is Ava in Heaven Elaina?"

"She was sick....and um I forgot the rest...Oh! All her things we broken, she went to the hospital and then she died."

All the "things" that were broken were her mitochondria. A word that my three year old couldn't remember and wish that she never had to try.

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    Please post the link to the prayer bracelets you make.

    God's Blessings and Love,

    Merrie Lee
