Friday, September 17, 2010


There's been some postings on FB about sick kids. It got me thinking. I am always on guard when the bugs get sick. My automatic reaction is to worry. Today I realized that it's not out of a typical "Mommy Worry", but it comes from Eric.

He got a cold in November of 2003. We gave him medicine prescribed by our doctor. A few says later our baby that was recently diagnosed with severe-profound hearing loss, lost skills and tone. Never did he loose any personality. That always sparkled through his wide blue eyes and pudgy little cheeks. No matter what was going on with him, there it was. If you were a blond nurse in the PICU, he would perk up.

Which was really funny. Our geneticist at the time, a man whom I completely respect and admire, came to visit Eric. He had since transferred the case to a Mito Geneticist who was not with the Hospital by the time Ava was born. He was visiting because he simply cared. He did a little assessment too. Eric couldn't have cared less. Then his nurse came in. He perked up, eyes twinkled and smiled. He tracked her too. The doctor said, "oh I see you don't care if it's an old guy like me." I guess you could say he was all boy.

Every time the bugs get sick, the deflate. Their personalities are muffled. I long for the time that they can shake it off and I get to see them again. It feels like forever and I am so not patient about waiting it out. (Why would I be, I'm not really that patient anyway. Ask Alla, I'm sure he'll tell you.)

Whenever they are on the mend, my stress level goes down and my heart cries out. I worry that the day before the illness struck will be the last time I saw them how they are. I know the older that they get the more relaxed about it I get. When the illness lasts longer than I think it should, I start to unravel.

I know that it's usually just a cold, ear infection, sinus infection or GI thing. But in those moments, I wonder if my bugs' metabolic process can recover from what ales them.

Ava got a slight cold in November too. When you have a "broken" metabolic system or a fragile one an illness can rock your world.

1 comment:

  1. When our son died, he had a cold. When our daughter was a baby, I sweated out every sniffle. So in a way, I know what you mean. But once the kid is a toddler, you figure SIDS can't happen anymore & you start to relax. You're in a different situation because your kids' metabolic disease was so mysterious; I'm sure there are many "what if" questions for you. I'll pray for you to relax and trust God when your bugs are sick. (From Becky Sodergren)
